********************** Segmenting cells in 2D ********************** .. figure:: images/segmentation-2d-cover.* :alt: Shoot apical meristem of A. thaliana, with microtubules :align: center :figwidth: 85% :width: 100% Shoot apical meristem of A. thaliana, with microtubules .. _dataset: http://www.botany.unibe.ch/deve/lithographx/Microtubules.zip In this section, we are going to see how we can extract the 2D shape of cells in images of the shoot apical meristem of *Arabidopsis thaliana*, and see how we can use a marker of cortical microtubule to compute their orientation based on the method published in [Boudaoud2014]_. To start, download this `dataset`_, provided by Dr. Agata Burian. To segment the cells in 2D, we need to proceed in two phases: #. Extract the surface of the meristem #. Segment the cells on that surface Extracting the surface of the meristem ====================================== See figure :num:`segmentation2d-fig-seg` A-D. #. Blur the stack slightly: .. LGXProcess:: :name: Gaussian Blur Stack :folder: Filters :type: Stack X Sigma (μm): 0.5 Y Sigma (μm): 0.5 Z Sigma (μm): 0.5 #. Extract the surface, using all the default arguments: .. LGXProcess:: :name: Edge Detect :folder: Morphology :type: Stack #. Erase the bumps due to dead cells by hand, using the ``Pixel Edit`` tool #. Extract a coarse surface: .. LGXProcess:: :name: Marching Cubes Surface :folder: Creation :type: Mesh Cube size (μm): 3 #. Select the bottom and sides with the selection tool: make sure the ``Mesh`` check-box is ticked and ``View`` is on ``Selected``. Then, orienting properly the meristem, press the ``Alt`` key and click and drag a rectangle to select the vertices to remove. You can extend the selection by pressing the ``Shift`` key while clicking. For a demonstration of what needs to be done, look at this video. #. We now need to refine the surface. For this, we will alternate smoothing and refining the mesh. Check the terminal for the number of vertices after subdivision. .. LGXProcess:: :name: Smooth Mesh :folder: Structure :type: Mesh Passes: 3 .. LGXProcess:: :name: Subdivide :folder: Structure :type: Mesh .. youtube:: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbTaYITkObg :width: 512 :height: 395 .. _segmentation2d-fig-seg: .. figure:: images/segmentation-2d-segmentation.* :alt: 2D segmentation of the meristem :align: center :figwidth: 85% :width: 100% 2D Segmentation of the meristem Segment the cells ================= See figure :num:`segmentation2d-fig-seg` E-F. #. First, make sure the PI channel, which should be the Main Stack 1 is the active stack. In the Main tab, the ``Stack 1`` tab should be the selected tab, the ``Main`` store should be selected and the ``Work`` store not. #. Then, project the signal onto the surface. You can play with the mim and max distances to see what happens when they change. .. LGXProcess:: :name: Project Signal :folder: Signal :type: Mesh Min Dist (μm): 1 Max Dist (μm): 1 #. Now, we are going to segment the cells visible in the signal. .. LGXProcess:: :name: Auto-Segmentation :folder: Segmentation :type: Mesh Update: Yes Normalize: No Blur Cell Radius (μm): 1 Auto-Seed Radius (μm): 2 Border Distance (μm): 1 Combine Threshold: 1 #. After a while, you will see outline of segmented cells. In the Main tab, select ``Labels`` as representation for the surface. And using the 2D bucket, erase the cells above the areas where the staining didn't work. Micro-tubule orientations ========================= .. figure:: images/segmentation-2d-orientation.* :alt: Extracting the orientation of the microtubules :align: center :figwidth: 85% :width: 100% Extraction of the microtubules orientation. #. Load the MBD stack: just drag and drop the file on the LithoGraphX window. #. Project the new signal onto the surface. Select a range from *-1 µm* to *1 µm*. You can try different values and see which provide the best contrast. #. Compute the fibril orientations: .. LGXProcess:: :name: Compute Fibril Orientations :folder: Cell Axis/Fibril Orientation :type: Mesh #. You can also adjust the way the orientation is displayed: .. LGXProcess:: :name: Display Fibril Orientation :folder: Cell Axis/Fibril Orientation :type: Mesh .. [Boudaoud2014] Boudaoud, A.; Burian, A.; Borowska-Wykręt, D.; Uyttewaal, M.; Wrzalik, R.; Kwiatkowska, D. and Hamant, O. **FibrilTool, an ImageJ plug-in to quantify fibrillar structures in raw microscopy images**. *Nature Protocols*, 2014, 9, 457-463